Following decades of fruitful research Paul from Paul's decking and pergolas is proud as punch to announce the dawning of a new decking era.
In a statement before the United Nations this morning Mr Skilton advised that he had tasked his Paul’s Decking and Pergolas research team with solving the duplicitous problems of deck affordability and deck separation anxiety.
A beaming Mr Skilton speaking to the general assembly before a raucous standing ovation said, “With this breakthrough everybody can now afford a deck, and nobody has to leave their deck behind anymore when they leave their home”.
Known internally at Paul’s Labs as Sustainably Handcrafted Omnidirectional Economical Spans, (SHOES for short) these new decks are already changing the world.

'There may be some training required for international users of these decks' Mr Skilton remarked, 'but everyone in Australia will know exactly what to do with them'.
The real genius behind these decks however is the cost. Traditionally one would expect to pay thousands, or tens of thousands for a new deck. With SHOES you pay just $14.90 plus shipping and you get not one, but two completely independent, and portable decks!

SHOES solves numerous other vexing problems. What if you are invited to your friends house for a BBQ on their deck, but it is not a Paul's decking and pergolas deck? In the past you just couldn't go, but now you can!
No more standing on shoddy sub standard decks!!

For the millions of people globally that suffer from DSAWDMV (Deck Separation Anxiety While Driving Motor Vehicles) SHOES will be a godsend.
Got kids? Keep an eye out for the release of Paul's elevated SHOES complete with council required balustrading. These elevated SHOES will allow kids as young as 4 enjoy independence by allowing them to reach the pedals in your car.
Visit today to set a time for an obligation free measure and quote to bring your decking dreams to life.
